Lake Cresent and Fort Worden State Park

Samantha and I were able to take a trip with the in-laws a month ago.   We went to Port Townsand  to see the other side of the sound.  While there we visited Fort Worden, we played on the beach for awhile, collected seashells and rocks to bring home for the collection we have started.  I loved Fort Worden the views were breathtaking.  ImageImage

Samantha loves playing in the sand and the way it feels when she squishes it in her hand.  She loves to throw it into the air and get really dirty.  On the way home, we stopped by Lake Cresent and I fell in love with the lake.  The water was so clear and colorful the pictures do not do it justice you have to see it for yourself.  ImageImageImageImage

The lodge at the lake was so beautiful we could have stayed there forever and I would have been so happy.  I cannot wait to go back with Sam and spend more time in this little piece of heaven.

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